What I’ve Learnt from my Enneagram Assessment


I’ve always believed that self awareness is one of the most important catalyst for change. I would say that the the most critical and rewarding life decisions that I’ve made so far have been possible only through a lot of time spent reflecting, contemplating, taking research based assessments and honest feedback from others. Even more so now, self awareness and development is paramount to my growth as a life coach. 

I thought that I’ve reached a pretty good state of self awareness so I was really surprised when I took an Enneagram test recently and uncovered deep behaviour patterns that I’ve never noticed before! Before I share about what were some of my learnings here’s a brief definition of the Enneagram: 

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self awareness, self understanding and self development. The Enneagram model is a circle surrounded by numbers 1 through 9 that represents a personality type. Each of the personality types are connected by lines that show directions of growth and stress. The numbers are also divided into three sections that help to describe how you process your emotions.


My 14 page Enneagram report revealed that I was a 9 i.e. Peacemaker. Peacemakers are known to be the “nice” and “diplomatic” ones - always agreeable, easygoing, generous, patient, receptive, open-minded, empathetic but also indecisive.

This was in line with what I already knew about myself but what’s different about this assessment was how it also highlighted unhealthy patterns and tendencies that I had limited awareness of. Through reflecting on the Enneagram results I finally understood some of the recurring themes in my life: 

  • Why I’ve always felt lost and unsure about what I wanted or needed

  • The reasons for my tendency to withdraw during conflict with others and even more importantly, with myself

  • The situations that made me feel lethargic or checked out at work or in relationships

More importantly, through the assessment I found how I could address those themes. For example, by resolving my own feelings of anger instead of pleasing everyone and focusing on showing up instead of withdrawing, I could finally move forward instead of being caught in patterns that have been holding me back.

The Enneagram was such an easy to understand yet comprehensive assessment that I had gone ahead to get myself certified and can now offer clients the opportunity to get themselves assessed! 

For a limited time only I am offering the Enneagram assessment completely for FREE (U.P. SGD 89). Take the test, schedule a complimentary insights session and receive the full 14 page report that will allow you to get maximum insights on how you can expand your potential.


From Burnout to Breakthrough


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