From Burnout to Breakthrough

How I got out of hustle mode and learnt to create the life that I want

From Burnout to Breakthrough

Most professionals in their 30s & 40s have experienced burnout at least once. In her book, “Can’t Even” and now famous Buzzfeed article, Anne Helen Petersen described millennials (those born between 1981 & 1996) as the burnout generation.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is so real now that the World Health Organisation has classified it as a syndrome "resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” 

Burnout can happen once or several times in your life and last for sustained periods of time. The scary thing is many of us may not even realise that we are experiencing early signs of burnout and nonchalantly think that a break or holiday will fix those persistent feelings of tiredness. What’s worrying is that burnout creeps into our lives and almost always affects our relationships, health and sense of self in the process. 

My Burnout Story

I’m an early millennial and on hindsight I realised I’ve started experiencing burnout very early on in life - from trying to cope with my studies being in a top school even though I was just a mediocre student, having to work through university to support myself while juggling a heavy curriculum, extracurricular activities and under the immense pressure to be an all-rounded student so that you could achieve that coveted well paying job upon graduation. I felt that I could never just stop. I was constantly chasing that illusive goal. 

Not surprisingly I continued to be on “hustle mode” through most of corporate life - chasing endless deadlines, gruelling long days (and nights) and in constant fear of being left behind by my peers. Not to mention that the work culture at that time did not take kindly to mistakes. One of my managers at that time demanded perfection in execution at all times and even warned me “not to make any errors as that will make me look bad to management”.

It didn’t help that I had a troubled home life that I often tried to escape from, was too introverted to seek help and lacked the self esteem to stand up for myself. I was under a lot of stress and pressure without the ability to properly process my thoughts and emotions that were arising from my circumstances. 

From Burnout to Breakthrough

I remember one day when I reached a point when I realised that I had nothing left in me anymore to give and I just broke down crying uncontrollably and was inconsolable for hours. Did I learnt anything from that day? Nope. Instead of addressing the real issues I went on to find other jobs that start out as promising opportunities but inevitably led me to feel burnt out, miserable and unfulfilled. 

It was only a decade into my working life that I realised enough is enough. I had just finished a yoga teacher training program and was in Bali, on yet another trip to escape my life, feeling as lost as ever. While there I experienced a deep connection to Mother Earth and more importantly with myself. I realised that I was burning out chasing unrealistic expectations that I had set on myself based on goals that were not my own but what were the culturally and socially accepted definitions of success. Acknowledging these thoughts and feelings was a release for me after feeling trapped for years. 

My breakthrough finally happened when I met a coach who helped me to realise that I could actually break out of this cycle, utilise my strengths and create a life that was much more aligned to who I was and what I wanted for myself. It was only when I started to pay attention to my own needs and passions, address my thoughts and emotions around the circumstances that I was in; was I able to take action and go after my goals in a healthier and happier way. 

They say transformation happens as a series of small events. Likewise, stress and burn out accumulates over long periods of time. My hope is that people don’t have to go through it for years without realising why they feel that way and lose their sense of self in the process. 

Early Signs of Burnout

Prolonged periods of stress leads to burnout. Everyone has different thresholds but its important to take notice when you experience some of the common early symptoms of burnout like:

  • Anxiety

  • Constant fatigue

  • Mood changes - anxiety, irritability, angers

  • Physical - headaches, heart palpitations,

  • Behaviour changes - Neglect of personal needs

  • Feelings of emptiness, self-doubt or escapism

What You Can Do to Prevent Burnout

While employers and organisations play a big role in preventing burnout, individuals need to take responsibility for our own well being and set healthy boundaries before the burnout sets in. It’s often difficult to see beyond our own circumstances so if you have a niggling unhappiness about where your life is at right now it’s best to talk to someone who can help you gain clarity or a different perspective. 

As a life coach who helps professionals to achieve their goals without burning out, I speak to a lot of people who live their lives ploughing through a never-ending task list yet never feel accomplished or satisfied. They lose track of what matters to them and lose motivation to pursue their real goals as they are too caught up in the busy-ness. If you feel this way I highly recommend you take an intentional pause and evaluate - are you moving forward or are you tiring yourself out running in circles? 

Gain Clarity Now

I offer a complimentary coaching session to anyone who feels like they need some help with their stressors so that they can take control of their lives again. If this sounds like you, just drop me a message and we can set up a session that will help you gain clarity on what you need to feel happy and contented at work and in life. 


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